Desperate Deflection?

I have long pondered, in astonishment and exasperation, the apparently inexplicable and irrational conduct which a portion of our elected representatives have DEvolved into.  Yet, in spite of the prevailing confusion, contention, and obfuscation, clarity has looked past the raging, swirling, all-consuming insanity to ask…


It’s an obvious question, for there’s a parallel between many of the current shenanigans and those of successful pickpockets and con artists. It should’ve been asked and pursued years ago, but better now than never. Americans are owed answers after all they’ve been put through.

More to the point, what mouldering skeletons do the major media, Pelosi, and her hungry, yapping hounds of Hell want so fiercely to keep from being sniffed out and unearthed from their own murky back yards?

This post will not speculate on what unholy secrets there may be that the pack appears to be so terrified might be uncovered, even to the point of obsessively and relentlessly howling for another’s destruction in a desperate act of deflection.

Do they mindlessly obey Alpha leader, or do many quake in furtive fear that other members might turn upon any deemed wavering or “unfaithful”? Is there any humanity left among these ravening wolves?

It is hoped that they are aware of the implied consequences of forgetting Jesus’ words to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” and reconsider their actions. They’d do even better to heed Hosea’s warning: “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…” Or perhaps they can only grasp the more overtly ominous significance of a contemporary phrase:

Such uncivilized, degenerate behavior is so unprecedented in recent memory, inexplicable, and out of proportion, that it can only be perceived as desperate, or even (dare it be suggested?) demonically inspired. It’s certainly not actions derived from patriotic love of country, or even of honest people of goodwill pursuing the well-being of citizens and a peaceful, bright future for the Nation.

Before the President was elected, the call to “Drain the Swamp!” motivated many voters. It had apparently been dismissed as cute and insignificant, for the unexpected election outcome for certain self-styled know-it-alls and self-important talking heads led to a very public and shameful melt-down. That rapidly degenerated into seething humiliated rage, subsequently employed to goad Swamp denizens to greater heights of rage.

What seems to have been forgotten or unanticipated by the electorate is that when swamps are drained, things get ugly, both before and after. One nearly always finds evidence of formerly hidden crimes, dead bodies, and angry alligators facing possible starvation (whose attacks involve dragging their prey into the muck).

Any good soldier knows, but fed up voters didn’t fully take into account, is that “when you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember that the original intent was to drain the swamp.”

So know your adversary, remember your original intent, and watch your ass.

Violence Is Their Only Response

I would rant this, but the writer has saved me the trouble. My candidate was not in the General election, but I didn’t act like a whiny baby about it and made a new decision when I voted.

I am appalled at the rent-a-mob puppets, these children who are can’t, or are afraid to, think for themselves.

They’re bringing curses upon their own future, especially since they believe in karma, not in the one true God. I call it what goes around comes around – in your lifetime.

I’m done – this is THIS writer’s rant for you to read.

Today may set a record for the number of posts. The list of links I have bookmarked is longer than a reading of the charges on Hillary’s upcoming federal indictment. That oughta piss ’em off. Well-planned and well-financed (are you there, George?) riots are breaking out nationwide. They think if they raise enough hell we’ll let them have their way. The violence had even spread to grade schoolers. In all those cases so far, it’s thugs-in-training beating on white kids. They’re taught their bloody skills early. All that’s listed here is going to be examples of the way socialists handle defeat. (Hint: not very well at all.)

12 arrests during Trump protest in Richmond; statues damaged

RICHMOND, Va. — Hundreds of people marched through Richmond to protest the election of Donald Trump, and…

View original post 619 more words

American History in Black and White – part 2 of 3

Now for Part 2 of the video “American History in Black and White.”

Tune in at this time next week for the third and final part.

American History in Black and White – part 1 of 3

For me, this is now “old news,” because as a homeschooling family we have always sought out a better and well-rounded history, but for many people, this will be new, and astonishing, information!

If you find history interesting, if you don’t, or just think you know the history of slavery in America, this video will blow your mind.

Points in this part:

  • American revolution – black soldiers, fully integrated armies. Famous revolutionaries: James Armistead, Peter Salem, Prince Whipple.
  • Paintings with surprises
  • Historic Black Writers about blacks in history: William Nell, Carter Woodson, Benjamin Quarles, Joseph Wilson, Booker T. Washington, Edward A. Johnson
  • The Constitution and the “3/5 clause” arguments, origins, intent.
  • Frederick Douglass – history, education, writings, discovery that 3/5 clause is anti-slavery.
  • 1789 – Northwest Ordinance passed, forbidding slavery in new areas
  • 1792 – Democratic National Committee founded
  • 1808 – Congress abolished slave trade (Rev. Absalom Jones, first black bishop in Episcopal Church, gave sermon in Philadelphia commemorating it)
  • 1820 – Jefferson’s Democratic Party now in majority. Their Congress passed Missouri Compromise (reversing Northwest Ordinance), permitting slavery in almost 1/2 of federal territories. Several states then admitted as slave states and, for the first time since the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, slavery officially promoted by Congressional policy.
  • 1850 – Fugitive Slave Law, passed by Democratic Congress. A disaster for free blacks and Underground Railroad at its peak in this time.
  • 1854 – Kansas-Nebraska Act, passed by Democratic Congress, allowed slavery to be introduced into parts of new territories where previously forbidden.
  • May 1854 – Anti-slavery Democrats in Congress formed the (new) Republican party to fight slavery and secure equal rights for black Americans. One founder: Sen. Charles Sumner (had championed desegregation of Boston public schools).
  • 1856 – Sumner’s 2-day long speech in U.S. Senate against slavery. Preston Brooks (Rep – D) from South Carolina clubbed down Sumner on floor of Senate, nearly beating him to death. Many Democrats thought it amusing and that he deserved it. Sumner recovered enough after 3-1/2 years, to return to Senate and give another anti-slavery speech.
  • 1856 – Republicans’ first Presidential election. First party platform had 6 of the 9 planks with bold declarations of equality and civil rights for African-Americans. Democratic Platform was boldly opposite.

Some people may continue on their own to watch the 2nd and 3rd parts, but I will be posting those out next week at this time, anyway.

There is an associated book: “Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White” which is “a unique view of the religious and moral heritage of African-Americans.”

Black American Founders

This video is Glen Beck’s May 28, 2010’s Founders’ Friday in which he talks about black American founders with David Barton (of Wall Builders) and Lucas Morel (professor at Washington and Lee University). I would be willing to bet real money that unless you follow Glen or read books written by David Barton, MOST of this will come as a complete surprise to you. If not, let me know so I can congratulate you!

He observes that moving media has typically portrayed blacks in historical shows and movies in subservient / slave / victim roles, and is incensed. Then he shows period paintings (Battle of Bunker Hill, Battle of Lexington, Washington Crossing the Delaware, Marquis de Lafayette, etc.) and points out key black people in the paintings, who were very important, or even that should have been there but were NOT. Things that NOBODY mentions…anymore. Though they used to be taught, until history was scrubbed and re-written in order to promote the victim narrative.

He reveals Black history that most people don’t know and the audience is surprised (first black Speaker of the House was in…1789), then appalled and outraged. So was I. There is so much more that will blow your mind. Watch it and let me know what you discovered and surprised you the most, and your reactions.


An Independent’s dilemma – a frustrated musing

This is a FEEBLE attempt at a fair assessment of the major players in this heated political battle as I struggle to come to a solid decision for November. In the process, I take shots at both of the Big Two (but more at Hillary since the media does such a thorough job with Trump), so there should be a little entertainment for everyone. The opinions/musings are my own and not intended to change anyone’s mind.

Heads up!
–  I probably won’t be saying enough against the one you don’t support,
–  If you like one, I definitely won’t be saying enough,
–  I insult the media repeatedly (all cheer, now),
–  I insult all kinds of groups along the way (be ready),
–  I will make pathetic attempts at humor (that’s all I can muster),
–  the snark rating may run between 9 and 10, at times,
–  and there’s a little rough innuendo, in places.

I sometimes wonder if he really ran just because he was bored with what he had achieved in his life,  and wanted a new challenge, and then surprised even himself at getting this far. He certainly seems to be coming to a fuller realization of the game he is actually in and is now madly trying to figure out the rules as he goes along. But I don’t know that it matters.

Frankly, he sometimes says things that make my eyes roll hard enough to burn calories. The biggest, for me, among…others…is the wall along the “southern border” idea. That includes Texas. Has anyone taken a good look at that border? Tell me, what do you see? Now, just for starters, who gets control of the water? Maybe he has clarified and I haven’t heard it yet.

Texas border


Some people think he would start a war – IClowns at war suppose he could (like many presidents before him), but if we can stop listening to the American media long enough, and seek news sources much farther eastward, we will begin to realize that Russia is playing some extraordinarily dangerous games that our talking heads are keeping VERY mum about. It’s looking like war may happen anyway, with or without our input. Maybe Trump could be a Churchill for us (and HE was a pip! Check out his personal foibles!). Or not. If he hasn’t read “The Art of War” he should. Immediately.

One of his greatest positives is also one of his greatest negatives: He is too WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) to be very good at hiding ulterior motives or past transgressions because he’s not a politician (unlike Hillary…). At least you know what he’s about; just listen closely and completely for yourself and don’t make snap assumptions, or listen to those who do, then decide for yourself.

As I see it, he is so politically uninformed so far, Constitutionally clueless, bombastic and unfiltered that he is an easy target, so the media has a field day – like shooting fish in a barrel, but no one has ever accused them of passing up cheap shots and easy pickings – that’s what bottom feeders do. However, they need to be careful lest this approach backfire, and I think we are beginning to hear a rumble.

Beyond all that, the media blows insignificant things surrounding him out of proportion (surprise, surprise) and doesn’t look at everything in perspective, or even pretend to be actually helpful to the voters, and I become…”annoyed.” Sigh. (Why am I so surprised when muckrakers rake muck?)

I cannot be convinced to vote for her simply because we share the same kind of anatomy. Seriously?!? How vapid must one be to do that? This sort of tripe makes American women look so “blonde,” shallow, and easily-led that it embarrasses me. Yes, there are people I love and respect who find good in her, yet her issues and baggage are there for any honest person who wants to do just a little research, or read the books, or watch the movies, made by those who have – and in the interests of full disclosure, they should. Bluntly, if she was anyone else, she would be out of a job. Or in jail. Or both. And people in high places are even, on video, under oath(!), saying so. If she was Republican she would have run out long ago, but she hasn’t.  Wow. Just, wow. That’s one heck of an elephant.

I agree that she is an experienced politician, but that’s hardly an endorsement, if you think about it. She is a true “carpet-bagger” * (see definition below): her unspoken ends (power) seem to justify whatever means are necessary to achieve it. Mull that over. When I do, it gives me the willies, and I don’t mean her husband.

If it came to war, or preventing it, she seems more likely to bring the war to us by indiscriminately inviting in enemy combatants! Our media is NOT covering what is happening all over Europe because of similar policies. It is truly frightening! If she hasn’t studied Islam in depth, she was unqualified for her office and should have been fired. If she IS as informed as I am (having studied about it and the adherents obsessively for about 6 months), then she is EVIL for her actions and what she is suggesting and should be tried for treason, and that is not hyperbole.

Yet, in spite of the fact that she is a very dangerous political animal (people who cross her, or those close to them, tend to die, in case you didn’t know), I am genuinely concerned about her health. Seriously! I mean it! That’s just me; and if some say that makes me an idiot, so be it. I hadn’t been paying attention for a long time, but the internet is abuzz about it so I couldn’t avoid the topic any more. However, the Copperheadmajor media clearly is NOT concerned because they obviously don’t really care enough about her to even discuss it! It’s their agenda, or of whoever owns THEM, that seems to be driving the silence. I may mistrust her like I would a Copperhead, but even I wouldn’t want to see a snake OR her suffer. (Why not a rattlesnake picture? Rattlesnakes at least give you some warning.)

You know, if the “powers that be” don’t care about the debilitating physical effects that a campaign and presidency would have on her obviously declining health, you have to wonder if they just want a puppet in place. My main concern here is that if she should she win, failing health might allow Billy Boy to become the de facto president, again (in spite of having a VP). There is very little I could say about him that is suitable for polite company, or ANY company for that matter. He is beneath contempt, and I sometimes wonder if the women who think they like him are too young, too stupid, too uninformed, or the kind of fools who are drawn to abusers and cheats, yet think they can “change them.” Bluntly, he’s lowlife hillBilly white trash.

There’s so much in Hillary’s life that the media could have a feeding frenzy (and would, if she wasn’t Democrat, a candidate, female, and a Clinton) if they were truly unbiased and wanted to treat both her and Trump in a professional, even-handed journalistic way (yeah, right), but…they don’t, of course, and I become…”annoyed.”
Sigh… Again.

Certainly some of Trump’s followers are very passionate (which scares some people), but you can make the same case for some of Hillary’s (which scares other people). I’d say that makes them about equal on that point. However, it honestly seems that neither one has a very large group of hard-core supporters, and maybe a lot of unhappy “undecideds” floating in their general vicinity, so don’t let media camera work fool you. Frankly, if the media didn’t know their names, party affiliations or gender but reported based on character, track record and history, I think the news about this election cycle would be quite different, and a lot more interesting and informative.

I recently saw this post by a Trump supporter, so I think I understand their perspective a bit better:

“We don’t care if the guy swears… or how many times he’s been married…or who he voted for, or what his income tax return shows. We want the problems fixed. Yes he’s an egomaniac, but we don’t care. We know he’s not a racist, or bad to women, or all the other things the liberal media is trying to label him with. We know he’s raised a good family, and that says a lot about him.

The country is a mess because politicians suck, the Republican Party is two faced & gutless, and illegals are everywhere and Muslims are openly trying to hurt this country and make the civilized world adjust to them. We want it all fixed!

We don’t care that Trump is crude, we don’t care that he has changed positions, we don’t care that he fights with Megan Kelly, Rosie O’Donnell, and so many of the elected establishment. We don’t care that Rubio, Cruz, Ryan, the Bush’s, and so many other top old and new Republicans refuse to endorse him for their own selfish reasons, and we know what they are. We don’t care that he doesn’t know the name of some Muslim terrorists, we don’t care that he tried some businesses that didn’t work out.

This country is weak, bankrupt, our enemies are making fun of us, we are being invaded by illegals, we are becoming a nation of victims, where every Tom, Ricardo and Hasid is a special group with special rights to a point where we don’t even recognize the country we were born and raised in, AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED. And TRUMP is the only guy who seems to understand what the people want.

We’re sick of politicians, sick of the Democratic and Republican Party. We’re angry about the Iran deal, the budget, treatment of Israel, military weakness, lobbyists, special interests, overpaid politicians with their self serving bills and back room deals, trade deals, loss of jobs, manipulated economic numbers, businesses fleeing, and even the phoney pay for play Clinton Foundation.

Americans are no longer going to be fooled, and the movement is out to change the direction we’re taking. Trump may not be a saint, but he doesn’t have lobbyist money holding him, he doesn’t have political correctness restraining him, and all you know is that he has been very successful, a good negotiator, he has built a lot of things, he’s flexible, and he’s also not a politician. And he says he’ll fix it. And we believe him because he is too much of an egotist to be proven wrong or looked at and called a liar.

Public service has become elected greed. This may be our only chance to have a non-politician, despite his flaws, try and correct the mess, at least for 4 years. We must take the shot, because the consequences of putting Hillary Clinton in office are frightening. There is a tidal wave happening, and its going to overcome much of what’s happened to this country. You can repost this!”

So here are our “stellar” choices, and one will be our next president:
The viciously venal v****a or the bombastic b**b. (pardon my crude implications)
I struggle to contain my enthusiasm.
Hillary and trump

If I was some angry knee-jerk voter, I might A. refuse to vote, B. do a write-in for ________ (pick a name), or C. vote for a 3rd party candidate. Any of the three choices would, realistically, be a vote FOR the one I like least, so I realize I must try to decide which… will… get… my… vote…

I have a mental image of “sniffing pits” and trying to decide which side smells better, or less worse.

It must, therefore, be Door A or Door B, because I will not abdicate my right to vote, or refuse to do so responsibly. So I will take my take my medicine like a man, so to speak, and attempt to choose between the lesser of two weevils. (Desperate times call for desperate humor.)two weevils

May I suggest you do the same?

~ ~ – – *** – – ~ ~

When I began writing this, I intellectually knew there were others who were feeling similarly, but hadn’t really seen much actual news about it. Then I stumbled upon a video that genuinely surprised me! Admittedly it is a small sampling, but it is diverse and their candor was interesting.

~ ~ – – *** – – ~ ~

But now for a nostalgic look back at two (sorry, only two) “also-rans”:
Bernie and Ben

Bernie, the old, white, European-descended male, is finally out of the running, but he ran an impressive campaign all the way to the end. You really have to give him credit, especially considering his age, politically incorrect ethnicity, and the near inevitability of succumbing to the Clinton Mafia’s machinations.

He could have died in some “strange accident,” but he was too high-profile, too old and not “politically dangerous” enough for that to happen (those old enough will know what I mean). Besides, Hill’ was hoping to flip his followers, but last I heard many seem to be rejecting his call to support her in spite of her (reluctant) compromises.

His candid support for, yet surprising naïveté about, a failed political ideology is also somewhat appealing in a sweet “support the underdog” kind of way, although I have seen him red-faced and nearly apoplectic in his passion. He’s a true believer in his cause.

His supporters are purists – you have to give them that, but they are, frankly, scary at times. I recently saw a video that showed me the depth of their antipathy towards Hillary. I’m impressed! I haven’t heard Republicans or Conservatives speak so cogently or with such vehement venom at such volume about her. These folks had all their ducks in a row and were firing with great intensity and accuracy! (If Trump had half a lick of sense – or thought like a politician – he could have offered a viable alternative to her. But…)

I guess only disaffected Democrats could get away with saying the things they did without media backlash, but since the news didn’t want to give them ANY platform for their grievances (and never really did) they covered them As Little As Possible. In a way, they have my sympathy.

Ben Carson, a son of a poor, single black mother in Detroit, and a genuine descendent of slave ancestors, could have been a true dark horse. Pardon the double entendre, but I suspect he would have smiled at it because the man was not an easily offended, passive-aggressive, trigger-alert “snowflake,” or a humorless, ranting BLM ideologue. He has a cool head, common sense and a SENSE OF HUMOR – desperately needed these days. However, the political intensity was too great this time for any well-educated, calm, logical, polite person unwilling to play the “race card” to prevail. Yet, had Trump not been running, he might well have been the nominee. Yes, I supported him.

The media tried mightily to dig up dirt on him (that’s what they do) but that was a “fail” because he had already written about his life, warts and all, and then a movie was made! So they resorted to the juvenile tactic of calling him sleepy because of the way his face is made and his thoughtful way of speaking, or pontificating about his lack of political experience (though he would have had the wisdom to surround himself with, and listen to, well-informed advisers who did – unlike a former, inexperienced, half-black candidate). Then they finally flat-out ignored/silenced him into obscurity. Now if he had been a Democrat, someone would have accused them of racism and things might be rather different, today.

Among Conservatives and Republicans, the Christian “you-gotta-be-perfect-or-else” contingent flipped out when it became clear he was a 7th Day Adventist, and his support rapidly dissipated. Seriously? That’s it? They’d prefer Hillary or Bernie or even non-believer/faker Trump? Didn’t they learn anything from the consequences of rejecting Mitt Romney because he was a Mormon? Numbskulls.


I am not discussing the other candidates because I honestly didn’t find them sufficiently interesting or compelling.

But here it is, as promised, my feeble attempt at expressing my perspective and frustrations.

We’re toast.
burned toast

God help us…

Unless we listen.
And turn.
And soon.
2 Chronicles 7

  • Carpetbagger
    A Northerner who went to the South after the Civil War for political or financial advantage.
    n. An outsider, especially a politician, who presumptuously seeks a position or success in a new locality.
    (She’s from ARKANSAS, and came to New York State – where I live – for exactly the reasons just defined.)


























If George Orwell wasn’t a prophet, what would you call him?

Do any schools still require students to read 1984, or is that too dangerous to those who seek to gain power by dumbing us down?

Bloggers, never:

  • lower your standards and use the too-easy profanity,
  • forget how to use logic and thought,
  • use ad hominem and straw man attacks, or
  • cave into “political correctness,”

…lest you become a mindless slave of the system.

Keep learning, expand your vocabulary, and continue honing your literary skills, even when people don’t understand you and mock you for it.

“I may be sitting down on the outside, but I am standing up on the inside!”


Animal Farm – the original 1954 movie

I read the book in junior high school, but didn’t know there was a movie. However it does make sense that there is one. Since one of the candidates in the upcoming American election is a socialist, it is worth sharing for people to watch and consider what the author was trying to say.

For those who care, the comments on the Youtube video I found explain a little about the production. I quote it here for your information.

Published on Oct 28, 2014

Animal Farm is a 1955 British animated film by Halas and Batchelor, based on the book Animal Farm by George Orwell. It was the first British animated feature to be released. The C.I.A. paid for the filming, part of the U.S. cultural offensive during the Cold War, and influenced how Orwell’s ideas were to be presented.

The “financial backers” impacted on the development of the film – the altered ending, and that the message should be that, “Stalin’s regime is not only as bad as Jones’s, but worse and more cynical”, and Napoleon “not only as bad as JONES but vastly worse “. And the “investors” were greatly concerned that Snowball (the Trotsky figure) was presented too sympathetically in early script treatments and that Batchelor’s script implied Snowball was “intelligent, dynamic, courageous”. This implication could not be permitted. A memo declared that Snowball must be presented as a “fanatic intellectual whose plans if carried through would have led to disaster no less complete than under Napoleon.” de Rochemont accepted this suggestion.

In Orwell’s original book, the animals simply look on in dismay as they come to realise that the pigs have become nothing better than the human masters of old.

In a stark departure from Orwell’s book, the film ends immediately after this iconic image with the animals revolting against the pigs.

A Message to President Obama from a former Muslim, Brother Rachid (CC)

I didn’t plan to make this post, but while looking at videos about Islam I found this one by a former Muslim addressed to the President Obama. I’d like to think he might find and watch it, but unless this happens to go viral, that’s unlikely. Too bad. This man has something important to say, and lays it on the line.

I love Muslims, and not just because most are lost, under-informed, empty, and follow a frightening religion that even threatens their lives if they leave (wow, like a really bad street gang!). It moves me to see how happy they are when they find the God who truly loves them, and then they see things so CLEARLY it almost makes me jealous of their new-found joy and their passion that is so great that even the threat of death can’t make them recant.

If you think that all religions are “basically the same,” or that it’s possible to “co-exist” with Islam, the religion (and those who are still its passionate prisoners), listen to this calm, well-educated, articulate young man, and then you can go on your way.

Why I can’t be a socialist

This blogger writes cogently and logically about how Socialism “works” and why it ultimately doesn’t.

Brad R. Torgersen

I’ve tried (over time) to explain my opposition to socialism in these terms:

1) Socialism’s ultimate disregard for the dignity and rights of the individual.

2) Socialism’s ultimate disregard for the economics of human nature.

3) The inevitable suffering and misery that results from 1 and 2.

First, because the root philosophy of socialism is Marxist (ergo, redistribution and leveling across economic tiers) socialism requires an authority capable of bending the knees of the people to the will of the state. There is no form of national socialism which has ever existed without very powerful governmental authority, and a police force capable of backing up that authority. This authority (and that police force) tend to show little (historical) regard for the individual, because socialism is focused (in the ideal) on benefit to the aggregate, not the welfare of the single person. If you’re going to have socialism, you have to…

View original post 596 more words

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